Art Deco wave wrought iron railings in Deerfield
R19We recently had a client in the quiet city of Deerfield reach out to us for a custom wavy metal railing for their home. They provided us with a few ideas and samples of things they have seen in the past. They also looked through our profile on Houzz and browsed some of the designs there for inspiration. We had one example of a project that was the closest to what they had in mind in our gallery and we asked them to come in and take a look at a few finish options we offered. In the end they went with a custom wrought iron railing in the Art Deco style, which incorporated a variety of horizontal wave elements and was finished with graphite colored paint. The final installation looked fantastic and we were so happy with the result that we added it to our roster of past custom metal railings.
If you’re looking to get an estimate for your project, send us a picture of where you need the railing, rough measurements, any designs you like, and your address. Once we have this information we will be happy to gauge the cost and get some ideas to you. We believe that you have better things to do then sit around waiting for us to show up for an in-person consultation, so we like to get at least a rough idea to you quickly via email or phone. If you approve our estimate and like the ideas we send your way, then we can come out to do the final measurements and schedule a day to install the finished product. Please also keep in mind that all of our railings are custom made, which means that we can tailor them for almost any setting in your home or office. Next time you’re looking for an interior railing for your home or a modern railing for your office, give us a call. If you don’t require installation, we can also ship our products all over the US. Send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!