Industrial perforated wrought iron straight stairs in Barrington
S7A modern home in Barrington wanted to add custom metal steps from the clubhouse into the pool area to improve safety an ease of access. The owner wanted a minimal design that was functional and yet would not be impacted by weather or water conditions. When summer rolls around what better place is there to hang out in than the pool? It’s great to take a break from a hot day and take a dip in the cool water, splash around, maybe swim some laps. Going to the pool is a great way to beat the heat. As the pool itself is usually the main draw, pool architecture and accoutrements are often lost to the senses, but different types of designs are crucial to a fun and safe experience at any swimming pool area.
At first, it might seem like water and metal don’t mix, after all some types of metal are prone to rust. However, with our expertise, we were able to design a long lasting feature that will stand up to the wear and tear of this pool area by taking advantage of the benefits of powder coating.
There were a couple of design features we needed to make sure to address once we sat down to design these steps. First of all, they needed to not retain water, hence the perforated nature of the steps. When the steps are wet, the water will move right through and flow back across the concrete into the pool or dry up in the sun. Secondly, our steps needed to be friendly to bare feet or swim shoes. We ended up using a black coated textured powder coating. Not only does this protect the metal itself, but it protects feet and helps provide grip to the steps. The final feature we had to consider was the height of the step. It needed to be a comfortable and safe step down from the doors of the clubhouse to the pool area.
The benefit of custom metalwork steps is that they are designed to fit the specific needs of the location. We made these steps to be flush with each door in order to make moving through the space a seamless experience. The beauty of having something specifically created is the opportunity to create something simple and sturdy so that it becomes an indispensable part of the overall experience. Next time you head to your favorite cool off spot, take a look around. Are there any features that you’ve taken for granted?
If you’re interested in having the leading custom metal fabrication shop in Chicago create something beautiful for your home or business, contact us! We work on a variety of different projects both big and small. From the simple to the ornate, let us put our metalwork skills to use for your property!